ID |
Sažetak |
common-user-management is a robust Spring Boot application featuring user management services designed to control user access dynamically. There is a critical security vulnerability in the application endpoint /api/v1/customer/profile-picture. This endpoint allows file uploads without proper validation or restrictions, enabling attackers to upload malicious files that can lead to Remote Code Execution (RCE). |
Reference |
Base: | 0.0 |
Impact: | None |
Exploitability: | None |
Pristup |
Vektor | Složenost | Autentikacija |
None |
None |
None |
Impact |
Povjerljivost | Cjelovitost | Dostupnost |
None |
None |
None |
CVSS vektor |
None |
Zadnje važnije ažuriranje |
15-11-2024 - 13:58 |
Objavljeno |
14-11-2024 - 16:15 |