Sažetak |
Multiple SQL injection vulnerabilities in ChurchInfo allow remote attackers to execute arbitrary SQL commands via the PersonID parameter to (1) PersonView.php, (2) MemberRoleChange.php, (3) PropertyAssign.php, (4) WhyCameEditor.php, (5) GroupPropsEditor.php, (6) Reports/PDFLabel.php, or (7) UserDelete.php, (8) DepositSlipID parameter to DepositSlipEditor.php, (9) QueryID parameter to QueryView.php, GroupID parameter to (10) GroupView.php, (11) GroupMemberList.php, (12) MemberRoleChange.php, (13) GroupDelete.php, (14) /Reports/ClassAttendance.php, or (15) /Reports/GroupReport.php, (16) PropertyID parameter to PropertyEditor.php, FamilyID parameter to (17) Canvas05Editor.php, (18) CanvasEditor.php, or (19) FamilyView.php, or (20) PledgeID parameter to PledgeDetails.php. |